The uniqueness of the complex begins with its architecture.The project of this unusual building is the result of the joint work of Yaroslavl architects, specialists of the institute "Grazhdanproekt" and the company "Conceptor". The originality and boldness of the architectural solution of the Center, harmoniously fitting into the already established space, turned out to be in tune with the atmosphere of the new millennium and the purpose of the object being created. It is he who opens a wonderful recreation area on Kotoroslnaya Embankment, which includes the 1000 th anniversary Park, a concert and entertainment complex, and a new hotel.
The V.V.Tereshkova Cultural and Educational Center is a multicomponent cultural institution and synthesizes embodied progressive scientific, technical, educational, enlightening interactive opportunities and includes:
1. Modern planetarium with three-dimensional computer visualization;
2. The Observatory;
3. The exposition and exhibition hall "The History of cosmonautics";
4. Educational and entertainment complex "Trans-Force" with:
- interactive classroom,
- media cafe,
- 5-D shuttle ride.